19. – 21. maj 2022GH Bernardin Portorož + platforma ZOOM


Digital Commerce Summit - stage


Digital Commerce Summit - speakers


Digital Commerce Summit - attendees


Digital Commerce Summit - party

Digital Commerce Summit – unique regional gathering focused on this year’s team From hypergrowth to turbulence

The great era, which was marked by the continuous hyper growth of online commerce, is slowly becoming a memory of the times when it was possible to introduce new activities fairly uncritically. Success was measured through double or triple digit growth rate. Even in online business we encounter challenges and obstacles, just like anywhere else. Those are more or less predictable since success sometimes too much depends on some global digital platforms.

The year 2022 turned out to be extremely stormy for business in all respects, and online and retail trade was no exception. The concurrence of external factors, which included both macroeconomic, political, technological, business and behavioural changes, was and still is unique.

The period does not end by any means, the instability remains even in 2023. The online store is in the post-covid partial return of customers to physical stores. The implementation of new omnichannel data and technological solutions for process optimization, high prices and a simultaneous decrease in the effectiveness of online communication, inflation, the energy crisis, the instability of supply chains, the challenges of excess inventory and supply planning, and the resulting challenge with cash flow, are all immense issues that need to be solved fast. The winners are or will be the companies that know how to best manage myriad of turbulent factors affecting the industry.

What are the practices to assure existence and growth, what will be those that will make it possible to rebound in 2023? These are the questions to which we will seek answers at the second traditional get together of experts in the field of online commerce and its ecosystem. Where? At Digital Commerce Summit 2023 in Ljubljana. You are cordially invited!


A Summit you should not miss! Here’s why:

Insipiring speakers

Hear from a balanced and enticing speaker line-up. Digital Commerce Summit will host top local and international recognized speakers with local, regional and global perspectives, to share their inspiration, best practices, hard work and experience with those that want to move and shake commerce. Thes will leave you inspired and empowered.

Valuable perspectives

Upskilling has never been more important. Great speakers with deep understanding of the digital commerce will present their expertise and best practices that will cover important topics from e-commerce, m-commerce, s-commerce and q-commerce with focus on all supporting services and technology. After attending the Summit, you will bring valuable skills back to your office.

Digital Commerce Summit - share ideas with colleagues, meet your future business partner, or seek advice

Networking without borders

Share ideas with colleagues, meet your future business partner, or seek advice from people who’ve done it all before. The event will connect up to 300 digital, retail, and e-commerce professionals, including partners in the digital ecosystem, from logistic to payment, from packaging to performance, from social media influencers to AI and intelligence solution providers.

Vabljeni v družbo, kjer razvijamo najboljšo podporo menedžmentu.

Kdo vse vas bo navdušil

Dr. Nina Angelovska

President of the Macedonian Ecommerce Association International Business Development Executive, Ananas E-commerce

Dirk Cohausz

Partner & Director, BCG X

Robert Petković

Web analyst and data storyteller, ProMedia Group

Jerko Grom

Product Marketing Manager, Asia Pacific, Meta

Tomasz Kepa

Country manager Czechia & Slovakia, Spolehlive recenze

Denis Oštir

Head of business development, Hisense Vidaa Europe

Jure Knehtl

Founder & CEO of WeScale

Valentina Đorđević

Head of Data and Innovation, Things Solver

Gregor Koprivnik

ESG Studios Ltd

Melisa Cakir Suskun

VP of account management, Segmentify

Sebastian Žetko

Senior UX designer, Creatim

Matjaž Možina

CEO, 2Mobile

Prof. dr. Andrej Vizjak

Partner in Management partners and founder of AV.Consulting

Rok Hrastnik

CEO of Guericom d.o.o. and international ecommerce leader















Kaj menijo tisti, ki so bili na Kongresu ADMA?

Kljub dolgoletnim izkušnjam pri delu v različnih nadzornih svetih, z zadovoljstvom ugotavljam, da mi je izobraževanje prineslo nove poglede tako skozi pravne novosti kot tudi skozi oči revizorjev, sanacijskih upraviteljev ter drugih predavateljev, ki so nam podajali vsebino na podlagi svojih izkušenj.

mag. Mojca Kunšek, direktorica


Slovenski kadrovski kongres je dogodek, ki se ga vsako leto z veseljem udeležim.
Program vsako leto predstavi aktualne HR trende, primere dobrih praks domačih in tujih podjetji in nas seznani z novimi pristopi pri delu z ljudmi.
Poleg kvalitetnega programa je kongres tudi odlična priložnost, da se srečam s kolegi in strokovnjaki iz HR področja.

Nataša Jelovčan, vodja razvoja in selekcije

Mercator, d.d.

Z zagotovostjo lahko izpostavim, da je Kongres ADMA enkraten dogodek v Sloveniji, kjer lahko posameznik na enem mestu pridobi široko paleto strokovnih znanj, odgovore na številna aktualna vprašanja, ter vzpostavi nova poznanstva, ki lahko prerastejo v prava prijateljstva.

Mladenka Bogatinovski, poslovni asistent

Energija plus d.o.o.

Nabavna konferenca, kot eden največjih dogodkov za nabavnike, je odlična priložnost in definitivno pravilna izbira za nabavnika, ki želi pridobiti nova znanja. Ker v poslu vedno potrebujemo nekaj več, nekaj novega, drugačnega in stremimo k svežim in kvalitetnim informacijam, je program konference vedno zasnovan tako, da domov odidemo polni novih idej in zamisli kako bomo to uveljavili v praksi. Izmenjava dobrih praks, delitev izkušenj z ostalimi ''so – nabavniki'' ter nova znanja ostalih predavateljev in udeležencev nam lahko izjemno koristijo pri naših poslovnih odločitvah. Poleg strokovnega znanja, ki ga pridobim na konferenci, vedno odnesem s seboj ogromno pozitivne energije in ta vrednost me še dodatno motivira in me navdaja z veseljem do tega kar delam.

Barbara Šmalc, Nabavna managerka 2009, , Direktorica strateških projektov

Reflex, d.o.o.

Počutje na Davčno-finančni konferenci je bilo odlično. Razlog je preprost, na dogodkih Planeta GV se počutim zelo domače iz več razlogov: teme, prezentacije oz. predavanja so bili koristne, atraktivne in zelo zanimive, predvsem finančni sklop; na dogodku sem spoznal potencialne poslovne partnerje, skratka konferenca za nove poslovne priložnosti. Obisk konference zelo priporočam vsakemu strokovnjaku, ki je povezan z finančnim-davčnim področjem. Planet GV sprejemam kot poslovnega partnerja, s katerim bomo tudi v prihodnje skupaj krepili vrednost finančne funkcije v uspešnih slovenskih podjetjih.

Mag. Črtomir Časar, sodni cenilec

BV Finančna Skupina d.o.o.