Stand out from the crowd, become a partner

Supporting the Conference in the form of partnership is one of the more successful ways to weave new business opportunities or nurture existing business partnerships. Networking and personal acquaintances are an increasingly important element in entering into new business.

In addition to a targeted presentation to the audience and quality use of the time that you will devote to interacting with the participants, you, as partner of the event, will be able to build and consolidate your visibility in the Slovenian market. At the same time, being present at the event will allow you to perform various activities that will provide you with immediate feedback by the participants about your products or services…

Do not hide in the background – make a step forward!  We have prepared various forms of partnership deals for you. Together, we can also come up with packages tailored to your activities and wishes.

Digital Commerce Summit - Stand out from the crowd, become a sponsor

We have prepared various forms of partnership for you.

PREMIUM PARTNER, which includes a lecture by your company representative on the main stage, marketing exposure on the website and social networks of the event, XL showroom, mailing exposure to potential participants, digital business exposure package, 6x sfee for participation in the conference for company representatives.

PARTNER, which includes marketing exposure on the website and social networks of the event, L showroom, exposure in mailing to potential participants, digital business exposure package, 3x fee for participation in the conference for company representatives.

AMBASSADOR, which includes marketing exposure with the company logo on the event’s website, 5x fee for participation in the conference for company representatives.

SUPPORTER, which includes marketing exposure with the company logo on the event’s website, 1x fee for participation in the conference for company representatives.

For any further partnership information, please contact:

Polona Koštomaj, Business director of Planet GV
+386 41 809 032















Zakaj je dobro biti v naši družbi?

S Planet GV v zadnjih letih intenzivno sodelujemo, saj nam njihovi dogodki omogočajo dostop do novih poslovnih priložnosti in krepitev naše blagovne znamke.

Jana Colnar

Grow Adriatik d.o.o.

S Planetom GV sodelujemo že vrsto let in smo s sodelovanjem zelo zadovoljni.
Z izvrstno ekipo na Planetu vedno najdemo prave dogodke, kjer se moramo pojaviti, da se lahko podružimo s svojimi potencialnimi strankami. Dogodki so izvedeni profesionalno.

Helena Miš Šmalc, direktorica trženja


S podjetjem Planet GV sodelujemo na področju sponzoriranja dogodkov, ki so vsebinsko povezani z našo dejavnostjo, t.j. digitalizacija kadrovskih in delovnih procesov v podjetjih in organizacijah različnih velikosti. Na Četrti poti se zavedamo kompleksnosti tovrstnih procesov in tako kot so zahtevne stranke do nas, smo tudi mi do naši partnerjev, vse z namenom doseganja pozitivnega ugleda in učinkovitih prodajnih rezultatov. Ker vsebinski marketing temelji na dobri vsebini, je vključevanje sponzorjev v programski del dogodkov ključnega pomena za gradnjo dolgoročnega sodelovanja, še posebno, če so vsebine strokovne in ne komercialno usmerjene. Tega se na Četrti poti zavedamo, zato smo s Planetom GV hitro našli skupni jezik in se veselimo sodelovanja še v prihodnje.

Katja Kavčič, vodja marketinga

Četrta pot, d.o.o., Kranj